About Me

Hi, I’m Bethan!

I’m 29 years old and live with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. I was diagnosed in March 2018 although I had been suffering with chronic pain and fatigue for around 10 years beforehand.

I work full time, but it has been a challenge since my diagnosis. I moved from very active roles, to more desk based with hybrid working to assist with managing my health.

My hobbies include writing books, poems and blogs. I also love archaeology, watching films and TV, reading, researching medieval history and singing. I have recently completed my MA in Medieval Studies, and have published an historical fiction titled Marian, based on the legend of Robin Hood from a female perspective.

I live with my fiancé, Simon, and our dog Woody. I couldn’t imagine my life without him, he takes care of me and always knows what to do to help me.

I love going on relaxing, sunny holidays. I am absolutely obsessed Disney! I go to Disneyland Paris as often as I can and have way too many Disney clothes! My fiancé even proposed at Disneyland Paris.

I started this blog to come to terms with my diagnosis but also to raise awareness and help others with similar conditions know they are not alone. I have found an amazing community of bloggers and the chronically ill that support one another through everything 💜